Blessed water source of life, will we be conquered again? (Bendita agua fuente de vida ¿seremos conquistados nuevamente?) 2012 The SOUTH as the origin of life, as the provider of natural resources..., of vital treasures, a millennial source of reserves and memory. Thousands of cubic feet of uncontaminated fresh water in the Guaraní aquifer cross part of the Argentinian, Brazilian, Paraguayan and Uruguayan territories. In Uruguay, in the sandstone layers of the Department of Tacuarembó. The aquifer is also known as "fossil water". We are the ancestral guardians of this treasure. However, too many interests put this essential resource at risk. Will we be conquered again? Discovered? 1st Biennial of Montevideo Side event at Cabildo de Montevideo Curator: Enrique Badaró Nadal 2012
Blessed water source of life, will we be conquered again? (Bendita agua fuente de vida ¿seremos conquistados nuevamente?) 2012 The SOUTH as the origin of life, as the provider of natural resources..., of vital treasures, a millennial source of reserves and memory. Thousands of cubic feet of uncontaminated fresh water in the Guaraní aquifer cross part of the Argentinian, Brazilian, Paraguayan and Uruguayan territories. In Uruguay, in the sandstone layers of the Department of Tacuarembó. The aquifer is also known as "fossil water". We are the ancestral guardians of this treasure. However, too many interests put this essential resource at risk. Will we be conquered again? Discovered? 1st Biennial of Montevideo Side event at Cabildo de Montevideo Curator: Enrique Badaró Nadal 2012